Faith Story by Sharon Cheong
In January this year, Senior Pastor preached about the power to prosper, and gave the abundance formula – our income – tithes – investment = expenses.
In the insurance industry, our commission is given out weekly. All the years I would tithe after investments and expenses. As such, many times I was not able to tithe the full amount, and only gave God my left over.
After hearing about the abundance formula, I put it into action immediately. 1/10 is to tithes, 2/10 to investment and 7/10 to expenses. With that shift, great things started to happen.
My late dad had a piece of residential land which he had advertised to sell may times, but never succeeded for over 20 years. There is a small temple just above the land, and many times the temple offered to buy from my dad. But he would refuse to sell. There was also a high tension cable near the land. So interested buyers were often turned away by that.
My dad went home to the Lord in February 2018. In May 2018, the temple came to us again, but again we refused to sell. Then suddenly a young Christian couple offered to buy the land, and at slightly higher price. The land office however made things very difficult. I stood firm and refused to compromise in any way. I just prayed. For one year, I had to go in and out of the office even while pregnant with my second daughter. By God’s grace, the deal was completed, I got the share of my inheritance in February 2020.
A week after that, I saw an advertisement from a furniture shop offering 38% discounts. We used some of the inheritance money and bought a beautiful sofa for our house – we moved into this house two years prior. Two weeks later, the lockdown happened. We were able to enjoy the comfort of the sofa during MCO! We are just so grateful that He makes everything beautiful in His time.