Faith Factor is an educational course on the fundamental truths of what it means to follow Jesus. It also teaches you how to explain your faith to others. It is very interactive with opportunities to ask questions and get insightful answers. This course is open to both Christians and anyone who is interested.
This course is held on-site over the course of 4 weeks and is a casual and safe environment where you can ask any questions you may have. There’ll be friendly facilitators to share the principles of our faith with you and give you ways to grow your spiritual life.
Whether you have been a Christian for most of your life, recently decided to give your life to Jesus, or are just curious in finding out more about who Jesus is, Faith Factor is for you! Discover God’s love for you, gain practical handles on how to develop your relationship with Him, and learn how to share your faith with others!

Join us for the next session!
Faith Factor (English)
Starts 20th October 2024 (for 4 Sundays)
9.30am - 10.30am
Toddlers' Room, Level 1, SkyArena