Don’t limit yourself. Never limit God! Limit-Less is the conference for the miraculous to invade our lives! Having survived the pandemic years, we are now ready to encounter God and be filled once more. Receive and be empowered to go beyond yourself and reach the community. Experience the limitless power and presence of God in your life, family, & workplace at Limit-Less 2022!
A nursing room with a live stream of the conference is available for mothers and there will be childcare for kids aged 3-12 years old. Please indicate childcare needed when registering.

Rev Ong Sek Leang is the Founding and Senior Pastor of Metro Tabernacle, Kuala Lumpur and has been in ministry for over 40 years. He serves as the Bishop of the Assemblies of God of Malaysia and ministers extensively in many parts of the world to help churches, leaders, and believers experience breakthroughs so that they flow with a strategic mindset and manifest the power of God. He is also the Vice Chairman of NECF Malaysia and member of the Advisory Council of the Pentecostal World Fellowship.

Rev Raymond Mooi has been a full time pastor for 40 over years. He has conducted miracle rallies in many cities in Asia, where God’s great compassion has been demonstrated through mighty miracles of healing, such as the opening of blind eyes and deaf ears, the lame walking and terminal sicknesses healed. He is currently Senior Pastor of HIS Church, Kuala Lumpur and Principal of The School of ACTS, Malaysia which trains believers to do the supernatural works of God today. He also ministers as an international evangelist and yearns for God’s people to experience revival today.

What do we see when we look around ourselves and in the world? Pain, fear, and failure? Or a vision of God’s greatness and His possibilities for us?

Prophecy has the power to release miracles and faith in our lives. How can we move prophetically in this day and age?

Learn to live with a Godly faith that moves mountains and ushers in miracles. Faith and miracles go together. Why must we grow faith and how can we grow it?

Come back into intimacy with Jesus and become a carrier for signs & wonders and for healing & the preaching of the Gospel.

Build & strengthen your inner life for resilience and intimacy!

Challenge and envision a Spirit-filled life that goes beyond the natural!

Bring your friends & family to experience a night of miraculous healing & breakthrough!
Date: July 29 - 31, 2022
Location: Skyline SIB @ Level 3, Magellan Sutera Hotel, Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
RM 120 per pax
Limit-Less 2022 will be held July 29th – 31st at Skyline SIB, Level 3, Magellan Sutera Hotel, Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
You are more than welcome to bring children with you to the conference. A nursing room with a live feed of the conference will be available for mothers and there will be childcare for kids aged 3-12 years old. However, please indicate childcare needed & include their names and ages in your registration form.
Kindly bank-in or online transfer your conference fees to the account below:
Account Number : 259 0000 4431
Bank: Hong Leong Bank
Reference: Limitless Conference
Please email your transaction slip to Your seat will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
Note: For group payments, kindly include all the participants’ names in your email.
Registration fees are not refundable but they are transferable. If you would like to transfer your registration to someone else, please fill in the Registration Transfer form. Click here to fill in:
This conference is will not be streamed online. Do come in-person to fully experience all that Limit-Less 2022 has to offer!