CampusLife is a group that comprises mostly of university students who are committed to love God, make disciples and transform communities. Our focus is to help as many university students as we can to know Christ, follow Him and be like Him.
Just as Christ has a heart for the lost and hurting, we too are committed to model after Him by caring for the community especially the poor, the hurting and the helpless.
We also care for one another and are like an extended family especially to those away from home. At CampusLife, we hope to create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime!

Attending university can be tough without people to rely on and support you. While completing your degree is challenging, you find yourself having to worry about new things like managing your finances, organizing your time, or figuring out your purpose in life. Especially if you’re away from home, finding a new group of friends is harder than it sounds. CampusLife is a group of people in the same boat as you, who face the same issues and problems, but have each other to lean on. We’d love to get to know you and hang out. Join us today!

We meet regularly on Friday evenings and organise other fun activities during weekends. To know more and be part of CampusLife, contact: